Read The Elements of Spellcrafting 21 Keys to Successful Sorcery Jason Miller Books

By Jared Hunter on Saturday 27 April 2019

Read The Elements of Spellcrafting 21 Keys to Successful Sorcery Jason Miller Books

Product details

  • Paperback 224 pages
  • Publisher Weiser; 1 edition (February 19, 2018)
  • Language English
  • ISBN-10 1632651203

The Elements of Spellcrafting 21 Keys to Successful Sorcery Jason Miller Books Reviews

  • I got to admit that Jason Miller is often hard to be liked for one simple reason He has been shattering a bunch of my (and I'm sure other people's) magical dreams for several years now. In my case although not wild, most of these dreams and wishes were simply unrealistic i.e. not rooted in everyday reality which I'm living in. So that is the huge value of this book. The premise that, if you want to really change your reality with magic, you need to get very real about that same reality, must be accepted and taken into account if you want for things to work out. It sounds simple but it is not and this book helps. It is written to make your magic safer, more predictable and effective. Jason Miller deserves full respect for his work so buy the book, read it, think about it, change some of your ways to improve your magic and strengthen your mojo.
  • The Elements of Spellcrafting hits that perfect teaching mix, where tone and content both offer specific, actionable guidance AND push the student to further learnings. This is NOT a book of spells; this is a guidebook offering practical, usable advice to gauge your true successes, hone your craft, and actually see increasingly measurable results in your daily life. Although this obviously is a book, I truly get the strong impression that the last thing the author wants is for us to be sitting reading - he wants us to be up out of our chairs, active, thoughtful, critical and INVOLVED (in Jason's words, "[S]top focusing on the nouns of life and start thinking about the verbs"). This book gives both beginners and adepts alike the tools for such involvement. No matter your current state of learning/sorcery, if you want to bring your magic to the next level, add this to your library.
  • This is quite possibly Jason's best work to date. As a student of his, I took the audio class that preceded the book, so was expecting just regurgitation of that material. I WAS WRONG. The 3 hour class was terrific, the book is deeper. From the first chapter it hooks you & challenges you. My highlighter was running out of ink by page 33. This will become rewired reading for my students. Buy the book!
  • It’s always a delight to find an original thinker in any field, but particularly in magic, a subject which seems to invite a great deal of theorizing and pontificating, too much of which is simply regurgitated material.

    This book, based on the author’s extensive, cross-cultural adventures, decades of magical practice, and what is clearly a long-term habit of thinking things through, offers both beginners and advanced magicians a lot to consider about their own magical practices and methods and how they can be improved.

    This is a book of concepts, not spells. Ideas, not lists of materia. But the advice is eminently practical, and the book is streamlined, well organized, and fun to read. It’s not a beginner’s magic book, though I think all beginners should read it. It is definitely a book that belongs on the shelf (or e-reader) of anyone who takes magic seriously.
  • review
    Jason Miller continues to be a breath of fresh air. He’s like your gruff uncle in Jersey who calls you on your stuff, but only because he has your best interests at heart. Even the annoying typos pointed out by another reviewer (and for which I debated taking off one star) just reinforce his image as a down-to-earth, practical guy.

    I really, really like this book. The author zeros in on essentials with a minimum of fluff. Despite his folksy writing style, he’s obviously thought very deeply about the whole magical continuum, from high spiritual development to getting the cash for that new sailboat. And like any true expert, he knows the landscape well enough to steer you in the right direction, with a minimum of lengthy explanations.

    Miller knows you need to make “mundane” efforts to get to that tipping point where magic can send you down the slopes full-speed toward your goal. As such, this is a book of advice Uncle Jason could be giving anyone starting out “adulting,” whether they are interested in magic or not. He weaves magical and mundane advice together seamlessly—and beautifully. Scaffold your goals. Plan your work and work your plan. Take responsibility for your desires (oh, and figure out what they really are).

    Which brings me back to the point about “starting out.” The author presumes you have already figured out how to do magic, but you aren’t getting the results you want. That may be true for experienced readers, but wouldn’t it be great to have this advice right from the beginning? Miller is clear that this is not a beginner book, yet I have a (very small) bit of sympathy for the negative reviewer who complained about the lack of “basics.” Some kind of road map (appendix or an expanded reading list), while not strictly necessary, would expand the book’s usefulness to the beginner. I gather the author got his knowledge the hard way, by trying a lot of things and getting burned a few times, so perhaps this is why he isn’t more directive in this area. He does take a stand on a few practices he considers unethical. (Since they tend to be illegal, too, they are not very practical anyway, and thus a non-starter for Miller.)

    If you are a beginner, get this book (and some other source for how-to information). If you are experienced, get this book and rethink your approach with every chapter. If you aren’t interested in magic at all, you might still want to read this book. You’d get a sane and practical outlook on living that would serve you very well, courtesy of your Uncle Jason from Jersey.

    Full disclosure I received an advance pdf of this book for review. I liked it so much I purchased a hard copy of the book.
  • This book is definitely for any Practitioner, of whatever background, who really wants to make their Magic WORK in their lives. I'm glad I read this book early on in my studies. Like many new enthusiasts, I had bought the candles, the oils, the altar items, etc,, but then found myself thinking, "Well now what?" Mr. Miller makes that one of his key points. If you want Magic to work, then be prepared to work at it. We can't use blanket statements like "I want Prosperity" and then expect the forces we work with to deliver tangible results. In his 21 Keys, Jason Miller calls out many of the mistakes we, and he himself, have made. This book isn't a book of spells. It is a book on how to make your own spells work plus (most importantly) the work you will have to put in for making them work.. His writing style is honest, down-to-earth, and practical. Whatever background you are from, this book will help train you in the mode of thought and the practical steps needed to make Magic Work.